What began as a simple endeavor for Anita Nardine to produce a new dressage competition partner for herself has grown into one of the country’s most renowned Oldenburg breeding programs, with proven results that speak for themselves. Gerhard Politz helped Nardine find her very first broodmare Beyondwatch (a result of the famous DG Bar Ranch’s Dutch Warmblood breeding program), and today Nardine continues to incorporate horses from a variety of registries in pursuit of producing the best horses possible for the Oldenburg GOV registry.
All of Nardine’s mares are Main Mare Book mares with proven dressage bloodlines carefully selected for their outstanding conformation and gaits, including the exceptional young producer Renaissance (Royal Diamond x Fuerst Heinrich) who has already produced several stallion prospects via embryo transfer, and Elite mare Floradonna (Florestan x Donnerhall), producer of four foals so far, three of which were foals of Distinction and one of which has become a licensed stallion in Germany. Recently, the American Hanoverian Association announced that Nardine’s mare Davinesse (Davignon x Wendekreis) will be the first recipient of a new elite “CM” designation for mares with achievements in the upper levels of sport, warranting her inclusion in the mare section of the 2017 AHA stallion book. For potential breeding pairings, stallions are equally scrutinized and matched to each mare with consideration being given to conformation, performance ability, and temperament, utilizing both up-and-coming sire lines as well as the best of the tried and true stallions into the Hidden Springs Ranch program.
“I’m hoping to help prove that you don’t have to travel to Europe to find a nice horse,” says Nardine. “We’re working for both the professional and the amateur in trying to breed an athlete that will be successful at the upper levels and still have a good temperament. I think a good mind and work ethic are incredibly important in a young horse, so I try to blend that with good conformation and athleticism. It’s so exciting to see our babies as they grow up and are out there competing and doing well, and that people are so happy with them. I think that’s every breeder’s goal.”